Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Update - August 19, 2008 6:26 pm

Liz Ann is currently in surgery.

Typical to her character and ability to focus and align herself for challenge, she chose to listen to a meditation tape prior to the surgery. Her sister Kristen arrived this afternoon and was able to see Liz Ann along with a number of her friends. Her brother, her sister Jane, and her fiancé Glenn have been with Liz Ann since yesterday. An update of her post-surgery prognosis will be sent later tonight or first thing in the morning along with an address for a place to send cards and letters of support.

Liz Ann has an impressive extensive number of friends and supporters, many of you have been forwarded messages through friends. I have just put together an official “mail group” to keep everyone updated. If you would like to be added directly to the list just e-mail me ( If you would like to be removed from the list, then e-mail me at the same address. Feel free to continue to simply forward e-mails to others if that works best for you.

I will paste the first two e-mails describing Liz Ann’s accident and updates below in case you have just requested to join the group and have not received the previous e-mails. Liz Ann deeply appreciates your continued support and positive energy.


Amber Jean

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