Sunday, August 24, 2008

Liz Ann's Injuries

Many questions have risen from caring people about the extent/details of Liz Ann’s injuries. She said early on that she wanted people to know the “straight scoop”…so here it is:

She suffered severe fractures to T-5 and T-6…the spinal cord was severed at this point. The vertebrae above and below were also injured , thus the necessity to fuse T-2 through T –9. The surgeon believed the extra rigidity in her spine would help her to maximize movement above the severed spinal cord. She has full use of her shoulders, arms, and hands.

During the accident, she was stepping down some rocks in a gully (she had turned to face toward the rocks) one rock disengaged on top of her chest and her spine was sandwiched momentarily (one second?) between two rocks…so the spinal injury happened immediately, the fall resulted from her inability to use her legs after the spinal injury. During the fall, she sustained several lacerations to her head, bruising and lacerations on her body, and damage to her patellar tendon (on her knee). The tendon was re-attached during surgery Friday afternoon. She has several broken ribs (most likely from the initial rock). Her front teeth were chipped, and her head lacerations have been stapled. They did not have to shave or cut any of Liz Ann’s hair and her teeth will be fixed while she is at Craig in Denver. She has only superficial scabs on her forhead and face.

She asked me Tuesday if she could use the stress-squeeze ball that she noticed I kept in my truck as she wanted to use her hands, work them and was already proactive in her rehabilitation less than 24 hours after arriving at the hospital and before she had been in for surgery on her spine. She uses the squeeze ball often. She continues to do any and all exercises…including some of her own. She has received a few energy healing sessions and plans to pursue other alternative forms of healing.

She scrunches up her face and tries to move the paralyzed parts…those who know her will remember the concentrated “scrunch-look.” That too is part of her own prescribed therapy. She has touched the hospital staff who care for her…they rave behind her back to her family and us about her ability to smile, her humor, and her determination.
-Amber Jean


Anonymous said...

I read about Liz Ann's accident in the Bozeman Chronicle. I don't know her, but from reading the blog can see what an amazing and strong spirit she has as well as wonderful friends and family. I wish her all the best on the road to healing.

Jan J., Washington, DC

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz Ann,

I have been reading your blog everyday. I have been thinking about you alot lately. I wanted to tell you that I road my bike by Petes Hill on Saturday and your spirit was really strong. For some reason, everytime I go by Petes, even before your accident, I think of you, probably because I have seen you there with you and your mom a few times. I want tell you that I am sending you positive energy from Petes Hill and some of your other local favorite hikes like Triple Tree. I was sorry to hear about your accident, but I know that there is a silver lining in this cloud, and you, of all people will be able to find it. I know you will!! Please let me know what I can do here in Bozeman for you or your family, anything. Just put me on your "on call" list if there is anything I can do to make your life a little easier. Deal? I miss you, and wish you all the strength in the world.

Joe Coombs