Liz Ann will be leaving early Tuesday morning with her brother John on an air ambulance to Craig in Denver. He will help get her settled into the rehab center. We’ll have more specific information on where to send mail and packages once she’s checked into Craig. Right now it would be best to hold off sending mail to St Vincent’s Hospital. She’ll be at Craig for awhile and will definitely appreciate receiving notes and news from her friends and family while she enters into and progresses through this new challenging chapter.
She had her first shower on Thursday. Thursday night was her best night of sleep so far…actually a very good long deep sleep. Friday morning began with a personal visit in the room by a beautician who gave Liz Ann a pedicure and manicure (all part of the prep for Craig!) She had another acupuncture treatment Friday afternoon after rounds of OT and PT.
Yesterday I received a business-related e-mail from someone who doesn’t know me or Liz Ann personally and has no idea of the events these past two weeks. After the business-bit the e-mail included this PS:
“ PS: Good luck to Jason Pipoly, who's going to attempt to swim an
entire 40 miles down the Hood Canal in Puget Sound this Saturday.
That's awesome in itself, but Jason is paralyzed from the chest
down. Wanna send him an email of good luck? He's at”
So I sent him an e-mail and Googled him. He grew up as an amazing inspiring athlete before a car accident resulted in an injury which sounds similar to Liz Ann’s. He was the youngest swimmer to attempt to swim across the English Channel (11 years old…!) He stopped after 17 miles of whitecap, 4 miles short of crossing. He was on Johnny Carson, a cute beefy little kid who walked on stage after his celebrated attempt. He returned years later to become the first American paraplegic to swim across the channel. If you’d like to see more, check out this a inspiring short documentary on You Tube.
I received an e-mail back from Jason’s friend/assistant who said she knew he’d be happy to connect with Liz Ann when she wants to. So…while your sending our sweetie some helpful healing energy today…include some good-energy thoughts for Jason while he swims 40 miles today. You can follow his progress at
Amber Jean
Saturday, August 30, 2008
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Hi Liz Ann ~
Here's hoping you continue to feel waves of love and positive energy from "out in the middle of nowhere" beyond Big Timber! I think of you so, so, so often.
I "googled" Jason and am following his amazing swim down the Hood Canal. Of course, I can't help but imagine the many ways that you will awe and inspire us in the future. You are more than impressive at this stage!
Good luck at Craig.
xox, Marie
Hi, LizAnn-
Every time you saw me at the pilates studio, no matter what you were doing or how busy you were, you smiled in that incredible way you have, and damn it, it really did brighten up my day.
Thank you--
Kate (Gardner)
Okay, apparently I am currently posting as "the." I've been called many things, but not "the." Thank you, oh great blogosphere of the sky, for making clear my true identity.
LizAnn, want some pictures of mountain flowers by a lousy photographer? I can provide.
Dear Liz Ann -
We need to talk!!!! We are friends of Glen Vitucci, and my husband was injured 20 months ago (C7-T1) in a car wreck. We have walked the walk you are embarking on, spent 8 weeks in rehab after 3 weeks in the ICU in Idaho Falls, etc etc. None of that is important next to what we need to talk about: HOPE. I know you and your support team can hardly think about your next meal, much less anything 3 months from now, or making a phone call, but I want you to know there is hope for you way out of the medical box. Incomplete or complete injury, people are walking today with both. Rehab is about learning to DEAL, not HEAL. It is necessary, and helpful, but not filled with hope. I just want you and your team to know that so close, right here in Teton Valley, is a strange miracle of a SCI therapy team that is as cutting edge as it gets, and that my husband and 2 other men, one incomplete and one complete, are moving their legs and getting return below their injuries that defies all medical "wisdom". It's all about retraining the nervous system. And for someone as athletic as you, you have that advantage.
Our journey has been filled with strange synchronicity, and yours will be too. We know we will meet you soon. How it is that so soon after your accident we heard about you from a friend of a friend, is not a coincidence. As you embark on your time at Craig, know that they don't know everything, or have all the answers. I'm not saying we do either, but there is sooo much more out there than the medical system knows.
Check out Project - this is the model we are following, more or less. We have some pieces they are missing, but I want you and your team to know that they do not place any limits on what a SCI person can do, and by that I mean walk, functionally and fully.
Enough for now, but our hearts go out to you and your support team and all that you are drowning in right now. It just sucks so bad. When you or your delegate are ready, call or email. 208 456-2758, or, or We'll be here now or later.
Ann-Toy & Porter Broughton
Hi Liz Ann...I just read the incredible blog from Ann Toy and! I love hearing from the real deal and the potential that is being tapped into. You are the perfect human being for reaching new heights and outcomes in SCI rehab. Stay strong, lean and mean(?) and know that Team Kudrna has alot of depth to it.
Veni, vidi, vici!!!
Love, Marie
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