Friday, August 22, 2008

Fri 8/22/2008 5:02 PM

We realize that we have encouraged visits and phone calls but have decided that Liz Ann really needs her rest right now. Please do not phone her room or visit Liz Ann. She will need her strength after this 2nd surgery, the long week, and she needs to rest up and gather strength before she makes the move to rehab. She may be going to Colorado for rehab as early as Tuesday. You may continue sending cards and letters to the hospital but be aware that at this point she will only be there a few more days. I will continue to print e-mails and she will be able to read posts to the website as well.

Bobbi Jo put it well when she wrote: “We all know how much of a social butterfly she is, and gathers energy and inspiration from friends and family. As it's a delicate balance between focusing energy on her healing and connecting with loved ones."

You can call Liz Ann's sister Jane (406-581-0257)

A fund has been set up for Liz Ann at First Security Bank. Checks can be made to the Liz Ann Kudrna Benefit Fund and sent to:

First Security Bank
208 E Main St
Bozeman, MT 59715

Amber Jean


Anonymous said...

Liz Ann ~ I'm so glad they decided to reattach your patellar tendon. Hopefully the procedure went smoothly and you continue to rest and gain ground. This really sucks. That said, prayers for healing, prayers for peace and prayers for hope...that is the mantra that goes through my mind day and night for you. You are loved. Marie

Anonymous said...

Dear Liz Ann,
I--and all of your other friends and colleagues--continue to send good vibes your way! I have a vision of you in your cheeta garb surrounded by angels....I close my eyes and this is the vision I get, every time. You are surrounded by light and love. We are with you on this journey. Love, Sally King