Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tragedy Strikes a Family Friend

Liz Ann’s brother John has a very good friend who was injured traumatically yesterday in a bicycle accident. Ed Farrar is an orthopedic surgeon (he operated on John’ back) and a good friend of John’s. Ed was riding his bike to work in Wenatchee yesterday morning when he was struck head-on by a motorist. He is in critical condition with a severe spine injury (higher than Liz Ann’s). Ed was a resource and sounding board for John and the family while Liz Ann was in ICU. Ed is a respected spine and neck surgeon who helped many people professionally as well as being an outstanding community member and athlete. He and John kayaked together, attended Wilderness First Responder together and are good friends. Ed continued to check with John and followed Liz Ann’s progress offering insight and advise to John, Liz Ann and the family.

We would like to ask you to include Ed and his family in your thoughts…sending them the kind of energy you continue to send Liz Ann. If you would like to know more about Ed you can read the article online at

You’ve proven yourselves to be quite a force of healing goodwill and positive compassionate support. We thank-you.
- Amber Jean

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